Friday, February 10, 2012

My Date with Jason Wu

For the last few months, February 5th has been marked on my calendar…with hearts. Yes, some would recognize that it’s the date of the Super Bowl but for any follower of style, they knew that February 5th was the launch of Jason Wu for Target the day when this small town girl could get her hands on something designed by Jason Wu, with an affordable price tag. If you need me to put it in perspective, he designed Michelle Obama’s inaugural ball gown, and has dressed the likes of Michelle Williams, Emma Stone and Reese Witherspoon. Because of this, a short-sleeve blouse designed by Jason Wu will run you around $900 on




The evening was winding down on February 4th. I had my computer charged beside my bed, snuggled in to watch a little SNL and anxiously await midnight. If anyone missed SNL, by the way, the host was Channing Tatum- yum. Here’s his opening monologue.

Channing Tatum on SNL

Before I knew it, my significant other was fast asleep and it was midnight. I was locked and loaded, pulled up, credit card in hand. The next 60 minutes went by-hitting the refresh button often-and nothing. I started looking at Target Style’s Facebook and Twitter pages where I learned that the online store would be available sometime in the early a.m. hours. With heavy eyes, I decided to set my alarm for 4 a.m. and take a nap. Before I knew it the alarm was blaring and reality hit that I was an idiot. “Forget this”, I thought, turning off the alarm and going back to bed. At 7:30 I woke up feeling defeated and discouraged. I grabbed my MacBook and pulled up the website, seeing that everything was sold out online. I’m sure it was my soft sobs that awoke my BF. “So how did it go last night”, he asked? I told him the story of how I stayed up late, tried to wake up at four o’clock and how everything was gone online. “Get up and get dressed”, he said, “we are going to Target”.

Luckily this story has a very happy ending. We pulled in the parking lot as the store was opening at 8 a.m. and I snagged tons of fabulous pieces of Jason Wu for Target. Only one poor girl walked away with a black eye. She was crazy if she thought I was letting her get away with the black pleated skirt. I’m kidding of course, but the 3 shirts, 2 skirts and 1 dress I got for $200 is no joke. Score!

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